By (author) Paul Hughes-Barlow
A manual of high spiritual technique powerful methods of Tarot divination.
Focusing on the Opening the Key Spread, Hughes-Barlow guides the reader from beginner to advanced practice through eleven chapters - Aleister Crowley's favourite number of magick and change.
However, is by no means simply a theoretical treatise accessible only to specialists. Any discerning reader can cope with the initiatory contents of 'The Tarot', perceiving completely new horizons of thought, activity, psychology, cosmogony and practical magic in this traditional form of Hermetic Occultism.
An enormous number of questions that occur to the earnest seeker are answered in new and fascinating ways. The attentive reader is offered the opportunity to understand the true meaning of one's own life and destiny, as well as that of the epoch in which we live.
The Tarot and the Magus provides a unique commentary of the paired Major Arcana cards, focusing on the gematria of the Hebrew letters associated with the cards. It also looks at the pairing's relationships with the court cards and Minor Arcana.
By (author) Paul Hughes-Barlow
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